COST Actions can share knowledge and support collaboration also through Training Schools. Training Schools can be organised by a COST Action on related research topics and can provide dissemination opportunities for an Action’s activities. Training Schools provide intensive training in emerging research topics within the laboratories and organisations involved in the COST Action. Participants are mainly, but not exclusively, young researchers involved in COST Actions. Training Schools also cover appropriate re-training as part of life-long learning.
Keel Bone Damage Training School, Zagreb, Croatia, April 29th
Due to COVID-19 we have to postpone the Keel Bone Damage Training School which was scheduled to take place in Zagreb, Croatia on 29th April. The new date is planned for October and will be communicated in due course.
The focus of the training school will be an overview of keel bone damage knowledge and to provide training for palpation as a method to assess keel bone damage using ultrasound and 3D models. The target audience is egg producers within the former Yugoslav countries, as well as poultry scientists, veterinarians, students and interested participants within the European COST Network.
Keel Bone Damage Training School, Novi Sad, Serbia, October 10th, Application deadline: August 30th
The Keel Bone Damage (KBD) Training School will be held at the University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Agriculture, Serbia on October 10th 2019. The Training School will be held immediately after planned Management Committee and Working Group meetings scheduled for October 8th and 9th.
The focus of the training school will be an overview of keel bone damage knowledge and to provide training for palpation as a method to assess keel bone damage using ultrasound and 3D models. The target audience is egg producers within the former Yugoslav countries, as well as poultry scientists, veterinarians, students and interested participants within the European COST Network.
October 9th 2019
18:00: Sightseeing Novi Sad (optional)
19.00: Dinner in Novi Sad (optional)
October 10th 2019
08.45-09.30: Registration
09.30-09.50: Welcome/programme/partners;
Mirjana Đukić Stojčić – University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Agriculture, Serbia
09.50-10.30: Impact of KBD on welfare and production
Michael Toscano – University of Bern, Switzerland
10.30-11.00: Coffee break
11.00-11.30: KBD in relation to dissemination in the Netherlands/Belgium
Teun Van De Braak – Hendrix-Genetics, The Netherlands
11.30-12.00: Keel bone damage in enriched cages – How is this perceived in Belgium? Experimental Ine Kempen – Poultry Centre, Belgium
12.00-12.30: Reliable method to assess keel bone fractures in laying hens from radiographs using a tagged visual analogue scale
Vlatko Ilieski- University Ss Cyril and Methodius Skopje, Macedonia
12.30-13.30: Lunch
13.30-13.45: Organization of afternoon practical sessions
Mirjana Đukić Stojčić – University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Agriculture, Serbia
13.45-15.45: Practical sessions
- Palpation training (Michael Toscano)
- 3D models aiding in palpation ( Sabine Gebhardt)
- Ultrasound (Vlatko Ilieski),
- Dissection stations
19.00Dinner in Novi Sad (optional)
Registration deadline is 30th August
If you are interested in participating, please send a 5-line motivation letter by e-mail to mirjana.djukicstojcic@ and include your estimated travel cost to reach Novi Sad or Belgrade Airport. Successful applicants will receive an official Trainee Grant through eCOST in early September. For more information about Trainee Grants and Eligibility, please also read pages 30-31 of the COST Vademecum. -
Novi Sad can be reached by car, bus, train (station) or air (airport).
2nd Keel bone damage training school – June 14th, 2018
The 2nd Keel Bone Damage (kbd) Training School will be held on June 14th at the Experimental Poultry Centre in Geel, Belgium.
The focus of the training school will be an overview of kbd-topics and improving participants assessment of kbd.
Target audience is the Benelux poultry industry and members of the COST action.
The current programme is:
June 13th 2018
19.30 Dinner in Antwerp (optional)
June 14th 2018
08.45-09.30 Registration
09.30-09.45 Welcome/programme/partners
Ine Kempen – Experimental Poultry Centre09.45-10.15 Bone formation/physiology in pullets and transition to laying phase
John Tarlton – University of Bristol10.15-10.45 Underlying causes of kbd / Incidence of kbd in BE and NDL
Anneleen Watteyn – Flanders Research Institute for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food10.45-11.00 Coffee break
11.00-11.30 Impact of kbd on welfare and production
Michael Toscano – University of Bern11.30-12.00 Interventions to reduce kbd
Bas Rodenburg – University of Utrecht12.00-12.30 How to assess kbd
Ariane Stratmann – University of Bern12.30-13.30 Lunch
13.30-13.45 Practical organization afternoon sessions
Ine Kempen – Experimental Poultry Centre13.45-15.45 Afternoon sessions:
– Palpation in two different housing systems
– Dissection stations19.30 Dinner in Antwerp (optional)
Interested parties are required to send a 5-line motivation for their application by e-mail to
Further instructions regarding accomodation and transportation will be provided after acceptance of your application.
Keel bone damage – training school at the University of Bern – August 23rd-24th, 2017.
The University of Bern organized a two day training school that provided lectures and practical exercises on the assessment of keel bone damage and related topics such as pain assessment. A specific purpose was to provide training for palpation as a method to assess keel bone damage using radiographic images as a gold standard.
The Training School was organized by Sabine Gebhardt, Sabine Vögeli, and Ariane Stratmann of the Center for Proper Housing: Poultry and Rabbits in Zollikofen, Switzerland. Special lectures were provided by: Urs Geissbühler (University of Bern, CH), Jean-Michel Hatt (University of Zurich, CH), Sophie Verrier (AO Research Institute Davos, CH), Jens Peter Christensen (University of Copenhagen, DK) and Mike Petrik (University of Guelph, CA).
The full program and selected presentation materials including videos of the presentations are available HERE, for gallery click HERE.