Short-Term Scientific Missions

Short-Term Scientific Missions (STSMs) allow scientists to learn from an institution or laboratory in another COST country – a concept of particular interest to young scientists. STSMs can vary from one week to three months and up to six months for Early Stage Researchers. The average contribution for a mission is a fixed grant based on the applicant’s budget request and the decision from the relevant assessment committee. It will normally not exceed EUR 2500 (EUR 3500 for Early Stage Researchers).

Below is a list of current and/or completed STSMs



Name Host Project Title Status
Zsolt Becskei Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Trakia University, Stara Zagora, Bulgaria Assessement of individual keel bone damage using different diagnostic methods – Phase II Completed
Esther van der Heide University of Kopenhagen, Kopenhagen, Denmark Using computer vision to automatically detect hazardous flock behavior Completed
Nikola Puvača Section of Veterinary Science and Animal Production, University of Bari, Bari, Italy  Assessment of keel bone damage of laying hens infected with mycoplasma (Mycoplasma synoviae) after tetracycline antimicrobial and dietary essential oil therapy Completed
Lazarin Lazarov Institute of Animal science, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia  KBD in free-range organic poultry farm – palpation and ultrasonography findings Completed
Zsolt Becskei Faculty of veterinary medicine University of Trakia, Bulgaria  Assessement of individual keel bone damage using different diagnostic methods Completed
Matthew Craven VPH Institute Vetsuisse Faculty, University of Bern, Switzerland  Keel bone damage palpation training and brain dissection demonstration Completed
Slobodan Knežević Veterinary Research Institute, Hellenic Agricultural Organization, Greece  The influence of different production systems on keel bone damage (KBD) in laying hens in Greece Completed
Sarah-Lina Aa Schild VPH Institute Vetsuisse Faculty, University of Bern, Switzerland  Health and movement patterns in laying hens Completed
Carlos Guerrero-Bosagna VPH Institute Vetsuisse Faculty, University of Bern, Switzerland  Epigenetic marks to assess welfare and behavior in laying hens Completed
Fábio Pértille Institute Vetsuisse Faculty, University of Bern, Switzerland  Epigenetic marks to assess welfare and behavior in laying hens Completed
Marko Pajić Department of Animal Science, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia  Behavioural observation in laying hens using method of continuous recording system – BORIS Completed
Tahir Shah University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia   The effect of different forms of vitamin D on the behaviour and skeletal integrity of layer birds Completed
Sam Willems VPH Institute Vetsuisse Faculty, University of Bern   Individual activity tracking of laying hens Completed
Aline Rocha Guarini Svenska Ägg, Vreta Kloster, Sweden   Knowledge exchange Swedish best practices in laying hen welfare Completed
Anne van den Oever VPH Institute Vetsuisse Faculty, University of Bern   Identifying causes and solutions of keel bone damage in laying hens Completed
Tahir Shah University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia   The effect of different forms of vitamin D on the behaviour and skeletal integrity of layer birds Completed
Vere Leybaert VPH Institute Vetsuisse Faculty, University of Bern   Individual activity tracking of laying hens Completed
Eija Kaukonen VPH Institute Vetsuisse Faculty, University of Bern   Measuring health and welfare benefits of elevated platforms in fast-growing broilers Completed
Anna Dedousi Faculty of Agriculture, University of Novi Sad, Serbia   Effect of perch arrangements in furnished cages on welfare parameters, behavior of laying hens, egg quality and KBD Completed
Vivian Witjes VPH Institute Vetsuisse Faculty, University of Bern   The effect of keel bone fractures on individual mobility and expression of group behaviours in laying hens Completed
Enver Cavusoglu VPH Institute Vetsuisse Faculty, University of Bern   Evaluation of printable 3D keel bone models for use in a tactile analogue scale Completed
Manja Zupan Friedrich Loeffler Institut, Celle, Germany   The influence of sun light during rearing phase on keel bone damage Completed
Ine Kempen Svenska Ägg, Vreta Kloster, Sweden   Implementation of keel bone damage assessment in animal welfare audits Completed
Mirjana Đukić Stojčić Veterinary Research Institute Hellenic Agricultural Organization-DEMETER, Thermi Thessaloniki  KBD occurrence in different production systems in Greece Completed
Elena Armstrong VPH Institute Vetsuisse Faculty, University of Bern  Training to detect keel bone damage in laying hens Completed
Michael Toscano Michigan State University  Development of relevant tracking technology for individual hens in response to keel bone fracture Completed
Mirjana Đukić Stojčić VPH Institute Vetsuisse Faculty, University of Bern  Identification of fractures at the point of occurrence and comparison of assessment methods (N°2) Completed
Neža Rokavec Agricultural Institute in Stara Zagora  The statistical analysis of data on emotional responses in birds with and without keel bone damage Completed
Lazarin Velikov Lazarov VPH Institute Vetsuisse Faculty, University of Bern  Identifying causes and solutions of Keel Bone Damage in laying hens Completed
Beryl Eusemann Universidad de Granada, Departamento Mineralogía y Petrología  Chemical analyzes of tibiotarsi of laying hens from two different layer lines treated with deslorelin acetate, 17ß estradiol and untreated control hens (n°4) Completed
Vida Rezar University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Animal Science, Novi Sad, Serbia  Effect of perch arrangements in furnished cages on KBD (n°10) Completed
Ivan Dimitrov University of Ljubljana, Department of Animal Science, Slovenia  Assessment of emotional and physiological predisposition in terms of KBD in laying hens Completed
Nikki Mackie Flemish Research Institute for Agricultural, Fisheries and Food (ILVO)  Effect of ramps and genetic line on the prevalence of keel bone damage and foot lesions in hens housed in commercial aviaries Completed
Beryl Eusemann The Roslin Institute, University of Edinburgh, Scotland  Technology transfer of measurements for the detection of genetic factors influencing bone quality (including keel bone) Completed
Christin Habig  The Roslin Institute, University of Edinburgh, Scotland  Technology transfer of measurements for the detection of genetic factors influencing bone quality (including the keel bone) Completed
Janja Sirovnik Wageningen University and Research, Wageningen, Netherlands  Effect of light during incubation on keel bone development Completed