
A COST Action is a science and technology network funded for a four-year duration to advance an overall goal or series of related objectives while increasing the research capacity of its members and participating nations. EU-COST Actions do not provide funding for research per se but rather support the coordination and dissemination of research findings towards that established goal. Typical activities include Training Schools, Short Term Scientific Missions between participants, workshops and meetings focusing on dedicated topics, as well as dissemination activities and materials to target specific stakeholder groups. The coordination, implementation, and management of the Action are led by a Management Committee with a minimum of two representatives from each participating nations that meet once per year. At the operational level, three Working Groups manage specific research goals, while an additional six Supporting Groups serve to organize non-research activities such as dissemination to stakeholders (i.e. Support Group 5) or maintaining the Action website (i.e., Support Group 8). Although the Action is intended to be European-focused, the Action believes keel bone damage is a global problem and members from any nation or institution are welcome to be involved.  To find out how, please go to the ‘How to Join’ page here.