Leader (B Rodenburg, Holland, bas.rodenburg@wur.nl)
Replacement leader (M Đukić Stojčić, Serbia, djukic@polj.uns.ac.rs)
Objectives of WG3 focus on coordinating participants to determine causes of KBD in varying systems (WG3a) and then developing intervention strategies that can be adopted by the laying hen industry (WG3b). Interventions will be broadly classified into three categories – housing/management, genetics, and nutrition – established in preliminary discussions with and highlighted by various scientists within the field. The focus on coordinating these efforts will seek to deliver various options that producers can determine most appropriate given their individual, local, and national priorities.
Towards the ultimate goal of reducing KBD, the coordinating efforts of WG3b with industry participants will ensure that the developed innovations are grounded in solid scientific exploration AND attractive to producers to maximize uptake via workshops and summary outputs (e.g., technical leaflets). Moreover, inclusion of industry partners will allow for developments to be applied directly into the stakeholders` commercial activities leading to a strengthened industry, more capable of meeting the high standards of the European community.